辦理證件 Mainland Travel Permit Application

Service Terms for "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)" Application



第一條 基本原則


第二條 服務簡介

2.1 申請《港澳居民來往內地通行證(非中國籍)》需先進行網上預約及填寫個人資料,並上載申請人澳門永久性居民身份證、護照資料頁及《個人資料證明書》。


2.2 申請人在網上預約填寫的資料經本公司初步核驗通過後,將電郵通知申請人,申請人再通過預約網站選擇辦理時間。如果未能通過核驗的,本公司將電郵通知申請人補充完善網上預約資料,直到通過核驗後才能選擇辦理時間。

2.3 成功預約的申請人,請於預約時間提前20分鐘前往證件業務中心領取當日辦證籌號,並按籌號依次等候辦理。等候時間因應當日證件業務中心的人流情況及辦理證件的複雜程度而有所增減。

2.4 在辦理現場憑預約登記的澳門永久性居民身份證或護照到咨詢台領取籌號。申請人填寫的證件號碼及出生日期等資料要保證準確無誤,否則查詢、更改、取消預約將無法進行。在預約填寫資料後,該預約登記的證件號碼在預約辦理日期(含當天)前或預約未作取消情況下,不能再次預約同種類業務。

2.5 如需查詢、更改、取消預約申請,請輸入申請人登記的有效證件號碼、出生日期、預約登記編號三項中的兩項作為預約申請的檢索資訊。預約申請通過核驗後,只可更改時間或取消該預約。

2.6 申請人未能按預約時間前往辦理,應在預約日期前1天更改辦理日期或取消該預約。

第三條 服務變更、中斷或終止


3.1 申請人提供的資料不真實或登記的證件號碼與出生日期不匹配;

3.2 不能提供預約時登記的證件原件;

3.3 實際辦證的申請類別與預約申請類別不同;

3.4 預約登記的申請人證件,於預約日期前已在證件服務中心辦理了相關的申請手續;

3.5 申請人未按預約的日期、時間或地點領取籌號辦理申請;

3.6 申請人違反本服務條款中規定的使用規則;

3.7 其他不符合受理規範的情形。

第四條 收集個人資料及私隱政策聲明

4.1 本公司尊重並保護申請人的個人資料及私隱,並按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》的原則及規定處理及使用申請人的個人資料。

4.2 本服務所收集的申請人個人資料將用於處理申請人申領《港澳居民來往內地通行證(非中國籍)》相關事宜。

4.3 本公司按規定確保申請人個人資料的存儲安全。未經申請人同意,本公司嚴禁使用申請人提供的個人資料進行產品宣傳或其他用途。

第五條 免責聲明


"Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)"

Online application service terms

Article 1 Basic Principles

China Travel Service Macao Limited (referred to as "the Company") implements online appointment and form filling for the application of "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)". To safeguard applicants' rights, please read these service terms carefully before registering for online appointment services. By registering for this appointment service, you agree to comply with all the provisions in these terms.

Article 2 Service Introduction

2.1 To apply for the "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)", applicants must first make an online appointment and fill in personal information. They should upload their Macao Permanent Resident Identity Card, passport data page and Certificate of Identification.

For replacement of the "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)" (including renewal upon expiration, renewal due to permit invalid, replacement due to changes in holder's identity information, and replacement due to damage), applicants need to enter the current "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)" number (including the number of replacements) during the appointment registration.

2.2 After preliminary verification of the information provided by the applicant during online appointment, the Company will notify the applicant via email or SMS. The applicant can then choose the specific time through the appointment website. If verification is unsuccessful, the Company will inform the applicant by email or SMS to complete and improve the online appointment information until successful verification allows the selection of specific time.

2.3 Successfully appointed applicants should arrive at the reserved Document Service Center 20 minutes before the appointment time to collect the same-day application number and wait in order. Waiting time may vary based on the flow of people at the Document Service Center and the complexity of document processing.

2.4 At the processing site, applicants should collect the application number from the information counter using the registered Macao Permanent Resident Identity Card or passport. The information provided, including the document number and date of birth, must be accurate; otherwise, queries, changes, or cancellations of appointments cannot be processed. Once the information is registered for an appointment, the same document number cannot be used to make another appointment for the same type of service before the appointment date (including the same day) or unless the appointment is canceled.

2.5 To inquire about, modify, or cancel an appointment, applicants should enter two out of three retrieval information items: valid document number, date of birth, and appointment registration number. After successful verification of the appointment application, only the document service center and time can be changed or the appointment can be canceled.

2.6 If an applicant cannot attend the appointment as scheduled, they should change the processing date or cancel the appointment one day before the appointment date.

Article 3 Service Change, Interruption or Termination

When applying for the "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)", the Company reserves the right to interrupt or terminate services to applicants without any liability to the applicant or third parties under the following circumstances:

3.1 The data provided by the applicant is untrue, or the registered document number does not match the date of birth.

3.2 The original document cannot be provided at the time of appointment registration.

3.3 The actual application category differs from the reserved appointment category.

3.4 The applicant's document, registered for appointment, has already undergone relevant application procedures at a certain document service center before the appointment date.

3.5 The applicant fails to collect the application number for processing on the appointed date, time, or location.

3.6 The applicant violates the usage rules specified in these service terms.

3.7 Other situations that do not comply with acceptance standards.

Article 4 Personal Information Collection and Privacy Policy Statement

4.1 The Company respects and protects applicants' personal information and privacy. The Company processes and uses applicants' personal information in accordance with the principles and regulations of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

4.2 The personal information collected by this service will be used for processing matters related to the application for the "Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (Non-Chinese Citizens)".

The Company ensures the secure storage of applicants' personal information as required. Without the applicant's consent, the Company strictly prohibits the use of personal information provided by the applicant for product promotion or other purposes.

Article 5 Disclaimer

For any losses or damages related to this website, the Company shall not be held responsible. The Company reserves the right to delete, revoke, or revise all data and information within this webpage without providing any reasons or prior notice.